
VIM/NVIM Commands for Reference

In this post, I will capture all the common commands I use often so that I do not have to do google search every-time I want to type something in NVIM

General Commands

  • To delete a line - dd
  • To delete a word - dw
  • To delete from cursor to end of line - d$
  • To move the cursor to particular line number - :n where n can be any number
  • To copy (yank) multiple characters based on selection
    • Go to visual mode by v
    • Move your cursor to select the characters/lines
    • To copy the selected lines y. This will only copy to VIM’s clipboard.
  • To delete multiple characters (or lines) based on selection
    • Go to visual mode by v
    • Move your cursor to select the characters/lines
    • To delete the selected lines d
  • To paste the copied (yanked) text - p
  • To go to the end of line - $
  • To go to the beginning of line - ^
  • To move one word at a time - w
  • To delete a single character - x
  • To go to the corresponding closing bracket (you need cursor to be on top of opening bracket) - %

NERDTree Plugin

  • To cycle through the different panes - Ctrl + w + w